April 20th, Scrimmage
Coach Juan Carlos gave the team intentions for play, and veteran leaders Amanda Anderson, Christine Loewe, Kate Hall, and Jeni Banks stepped up to prepare and execute the plan. With 10 on a side, the defensive intentions were to close down the middle and disrupt the build-up by applying strategies of preventing depth, defending space, and defending passing lines. On the attack, our job was to create space and become passing options. PC star forward, Risa, fresh off scoring the winning goal against St. Martin, refereed the 3 x 20 minute periods.
The first period gave the teams a chance to sort out team chemistry and identify where adjustments needed to be made. The green team effectively closed down the middle with Amanada in center back and a strong center-midfield team. This left the wings open for long runs, with Lupita coming up with many defensive stops as a left fullback. After working the ball up the sides, the white team got the ball to the center forwards with Vianey scoring the first goal in the 2nd period. The white time had success working the ball up the middle with a strong ball-handling team of Christine and Kelsey who advanced to Olivia and Taryn up top, then under pressure of the defensive line, and Kate in the center, who could predict their moves. There were shots on goal and over the top, but Kelsey Chapman, playing all 3 periods as keeper, didn’t let any through. With a score of 1-0 with the white team up, the team rallied for a 3rd period with no subs. An unlucky handball in the box gave the white team a chance for a PK. Keeper Alli made a spectacular dive to the right, but with a shot by Kelli Mishko, perfectly placed a couple of inches inside the post, it was out of reach. Sammy Gonzalez came up with the 3rd goal, perfectly placed in the top corner of the goal after she cut to the center and became a passing option at the top of the key.

Reviews from the crowd were that the game was fun to watch because the passing and spacing on the field was so good.
NPFC Blaze plays 3 weekends in a row, with the next 2 weekends being away games vs Bainbridge Island Women on April 27th, followed by Bremerton area women on May 4th.
NPFC would like to thank Team McAleer of Remax Realty for sponsoring the team. We would also like to thank the PA School District for making their new Monroe Athletic field available for community usage. And lastly, we would like to thank our team of fans, who came to cheer us on for our first scrimmage, in particular, the kids cheering section was appreciated. This is where we begin.