OK Ladies,
I can’t keep it in any longer. I had so much fun playing women’s indoor last week- my excitement for women’s soccer is swelling to a max.
So, here’s the news: I’m creating an 18+ women’s recreational team. I don’t have all the details completely finalized, but I wanted to get word out to you all.
What you need to know:
– The season will run for 8 weeks, with try-outs the end of March, training beginning after Spring Break, and the final game likely June 1 (dates not finalized)
– We will practice 2x/week, tentatively Tues/Thursdays 5-7pm (this could change)
– Practice location is still TBD. Likely Haller fields in Sequim, possibly Agnew.
– Juan Carlos Cisneros will be our coach.
– We will have several games against other OP women’s groups (likely Bremerton, Bainbridge, possibly PT). They don’t have teams, per say, but will throw a team together to scrimmage us. We will likely have 2 Saturday away games in the afternoons.
Is this for you?
I am looking for passionate players who want to be a part of a team and play with focus and intensity. It’s going to be so fun. I want to find that pocket together of fun, focus, and intensity. My goal is to take whatever group of players we get, develop our skills, and play at our highest potential level this year. What can we create together?
About the try-outs:
Yes, we want the best players. And we want the smart, veteran players who can add to the knowledge on the field. And, we also want the players who are really driven to improve. I fall into that last camp. We are building a foundation this year… one that we can build upon in subsequent years.
Your job:
– get your bootie in shape. Start with your core and hips, run and progress to sprints and cutting and plyos.
– get your foot on the ball.
– create space on the calendar for the 2 month season
– get ready mentally to shine and show off your skills and passion at the tryouts.
Additional background info if you still happen to be reading this email:
I’ve been working with both SJS and NPFC, and both are very excited and supportive about the development of a local women’s team. This team will fall under NPFC (Northern Peninsula FC) which is Olympic Peninsula’s Elite Semi-Pro FC. My goal is to eventually have a women’s semi-pro team on the peninsula, but this year, we are starting at the rec level.
OK. That’s it for now. I will share more details once I get things finalized.
Soccer love!